
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m a planner. I love to have an idea of what is going to happen each day. I make my plans, and I often get frustrated when something happens that causes them to not work out.

I’m learning that life does not have to be this way. Yesterday, a few of my teammates and I walked home from church (we have a 30 minute walk each way). On our way back, we passed a man who asked us for some money. I did not have any money with me so i didn’t really think anything of it. One of my friends turned to me after we’d walked a little further and said, “Hey, let’s get something for that guy back there.”

We turned around, and she asked him if he wanted some food. He told her, “Always”, so she went inside KFC (yes, there’s a KFC in Jacó) to get him something. I, along with a few others, stayed outside and talked to the man.

We found out his name was John, and we learned a little bit more about his life. He told us his story, and he talked about the beauty of God’s creation. It was so sweet to hear.

My friend came back out with the food, and we asked John if we could pray for him. We prayed for his injuries, and then we invited him to the local church. He told us he would see us there next week!

This is just one example of the beautiful ways God moves when we live interruptible. If we’d had our heads down, we would have missed that opportunity. If we’d been too focused on how hot or tired we were, we would have missed it. But thanks to my sweet friend’s servant heart and interruptible attitude, we were able to speak to and pray for John. I don’t want to miss these moments.

I am on a mission to live interruptible.

10 responses to “Live Interruptible”

  1. This is awesome Makenzie!! We all need to be more interruptible!! Too many heads down, heads in earphones, heads in the sky!

  2. Makenzie you are a fantastic writer in addition to having such a sweet loving n servant heart! I am so proud of you!

  3. Amazing!! God is moving! Way to be amazing servants of Christ Kenz! This makes me so happy ??

  4. Thanks, Kenzie, for the reminder to not be so busy that we aren’t interruptible!

  5. I agree! It’s definitely an area in which I am learning and (hopefully) growing!

  6. Yes! I love hearing the ways God is using ya’ll. I’m sure he felt the Lord’s love through you!

  7. That’s exactly it!! That’s what it looks like to live ‘life is ministry and ministry is life’. Thank you for so boldly and courageously stepping into what the Father had for you and your team. I am confident the effects will ripple for years to come!