
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The World Race – something the LORD put on my heart while I was in high school. I wanted to travel and share the gospel. I had wanted to take a gap year, but I knew it was not what the LORD had for me right out of high school. I applied to Evangel University and spent my first year of college so GRATEFUL for where He led me. I knew it was exactly where I was supposed to be. During this time, I continued to be drawn back to the World Race. I thought about it often, and followed several people who took a step out of their comfort zone and went out to serve the LORD. 

Fast forward to November 2020 – I was in a weird place in my life. I was committed to the LORD, but I was not actively following Him or where He was leading me. I felt complacent. I was feeling stuck. One day, I was driving and worshiping, and I  became overwhelmed by the feeling that there was more to life than how I was living. I remembered a quote from Bob Goff (I love him and quote him often) where he said “Your life will never be about Jesus if you make everything about yourself”. I was immediately convicted. Without even realizing it, I had created my own little world where everything was about me. Sure, I still served people. I loved others and wanted the best for them. But I was just so caught up in my own life that everything was slowly becoming about me; that was a scary place to be. I realized that God was calling me to more. I prayed and sought the LORD, and He answered me. 

He placed World Race: Semesters on my heart, and I could not think about anything else. I knew He was calling me to something out of my comfort zone. That night, I began my application. There were several moments of doubt. There were times I almost did not submit the application out of fear. I was scared of what people might think. I was scared of the fundraising aspect. Mostly, though, I felt unqualified to serve the LORD in this way. The enemy whispered lies to me in this time. I believed I was not good enough. I did not feel wise enough. I doubted the Holy Spirit’s ability to use me. I did not think my gifts were important enough to be used. But those words were out of fear. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life, and life to the fullest (John 10:10), and I began to realize those lies were there to steal my dreams and rob people of what the LORD might do through me. It is true; on my own, I am not enough. But I am not alone. The LORD equips those He calls. He will go behind me, before me, and beside me (Psalm 139:5). I was created for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). The Holy Spirit will guide me and fill me with boldness so I can speak His words and not my own (Acts 4:31).

Anything good in me is not me. I am a sinner in need of a Savior, and by His grace, He has saved me and set me free. I am not ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16), and I know the good news is only good to those who hear it (Romans 14-17). I want to share the good news of the gospel. I want to share the love of Christ through service, prayer, and conversation. I believe God can use anyone who is willing. The harvest is ready, but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). I am called to be a worker for the LORD. His heart is for all people to come to Christ. I want to walk alongside Him to defend the weak and fatherless, uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed, and to rescue the weak and needy as He delivers them from the hand of the wicked (Psalm 82:3-4). 

This trip is a LEAP of faith for me. It is an outrageous idea that in some ways does not make perfect sense. But that’s exactly what I am seeking. We are called to live radical lives of faith. I am choosing to lean on God. I know there will be humbling experiences through the entire process – preparation, fundraising, serving on the field, and coming back home. However, I want God to mold me and make me to be exactly who He wants me to be. I have lived my whole life hearing about people who lived lives of crazy faith and saw God move in miraculous and mighty ways. I want to stop simply hearing about it, and I want to start living it. I do not want to live on the sidelines anymore. So my cry for the past few months has been “Here I am! Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

If you made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read what has been on my heart and encouraged me to make this decision! I am so grateful for you! Prayers would be appreciated as this is a time full of unknowns (and stress, honestly, as I am both preparing for this trip and experiencing a very busy semester at school!).

Thanks again! 🙂 

20 responses to “Why I’m Going on the World Race”

  1. I love everything about this! Take action and follow Gods plan for you! You are inspiring 🙂

  2. Makenzie this is an amazing opportunity for you to share your love and knowledge with the world! You are perfect for this, the good lord has chosen wisely.

  3. Makenzie, I am so excited for you! You are light to all (Matthew 5:14-16), and I know you were chosen for this experience to share God’s love around the world. I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers and can’t wait to hear what God has in store for you on your journey.

  4. Makenzie, I am so proud of you! You will do great things! I can’t wait to hear about your journey!

  5. God Bless you my dear! I can see the spirit of your grandmother in you. Prayers for a grand journey and many souls to touch along the way.

  6. I am so excited for you. If there was ever a time that the world needs God, it is now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe and may God Bless You im your journey.

  7. Makenzie, you have always been an inspiration to me. I know God has chosen you to now spread that inspiration to others. You are the most selfless individual I know who has always been full of life. I am so excited for you to take this journey. Share your love and do God’s work. God may bless you and stay safe.

  8. My sweet Makenzie, I’ve known for a long time that God had called you to do something special. I listened to you and could tell that you were drawn to do something on the mission field. I’m so thankful you listened and yielded and are now obeying His ever present voice. Truly, God has a work for you to do, the Gospel to be shared and souls brought into kingdom. Go, knowing God will continue to lead and guide in every decision. I’m so proud of you! Love and prayers

  9. Thank you so much! It means so much that you have been so supportive through all of this!

  10. Thank you so much for the kind comments and generosity you have already shown! God has used you to bless me, and I am beyond appreciative!

  11. Thank you so much for your kindness and support! It means so much to me, and I admire you!

  12. Wow, that is so so kind. I am so thankful for you and all you have poured into me in the past nine (?) years!

  13. You are so so kind. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from you throughout the years. You are so wise, and you always encouraged and challenged the way I thought. You have been (and continue to be) a big inspiration in my life.

  14. Girl, this gonna be so fun! “…may the joy of the Lord be your strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10) I’ve watched you fulfill a calling of salt and light for many years, can’t wait to see all that God continues to do through you!

  15. Megan and I are so so proud of you! You are not just my cousin but also my sister. You and your walk with Christ is so encouraging and inspiring! I can’t wait to see how God is going to work in you and through you on this trip and beyond! We love you so dearly Kenzie Rose! Praise Jesus!

  16. Grant and Megan; thank you so so much! I have always admired you in everything you do. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I am so grateful to have you both in my life! Love you two!