
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


This morning, as I sit and write, I cannot help feeling thankful for the way the LORD speaks to us gently and guides us when we are lost and feel like there is nowhere we can hide. I listened to a podcast this morning that was full of so much truth concerning a topic on which I need guidance. During the podcast, the guest (Natalie Grant) quoted Psalm 18:16-20 in the message version, and the LORD just stopped me and allowed me to truly think about and feel these verses deeply in my soul. 


“But me He caught – reached all the way 

From sky to sea; He pulled me out

Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos, 

The void in which I was drowning. 

They hit me when I was down, 

but God stuck by me. 

He stood me up on a wide-open field; 

I stood there saved – surprised to be loved!

God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before Him. 

Psalm 18:16-20


Can we just appreciate this scripture for a second? 


When I was running from Christ, He ran after me; Not to punish me, but to catch me, to let me fall in His arms and rest. He pulled me out when I was drowning – when my head was beneath the waves (Psalm 40:2). When I could not see a way out, when I continually chose the world over Him, His heart was still for me. He still chose me (John 15:16). When I was down, He carried my burdens for me (Psalm 68:19).


He picked me up and led me to green pastures and still waters (Psalm 23:2) – a place where striving could cease, and I could simply enjoy His presence. Here in this place, my thoughts do not run wild. Here, I am not thinking about my to-do list. In this place with Him, I can lay down my pride. I can be honest and open because I am fully known (Psalm 139:1). And then, I can begin to believe this unfailing truth: God sees the deepest parts of my heart – the hurt, the sin, the pride – and He loves me still (Romans 5:8). He sees past my outward appearance and looks at my heart (1 Samuel 16:7). He chooses to love me despite my imperfections and my tendency to get distracted or rely on my own strength. 


Sometimes I stand before Him surprised that He still loves me. But the truth is, He always has, and He always will. 


These promises – these absolute TRUTHS – do not vary from person to person. The reliability of God does not waver, and it does not differentiate between people. These promises are for everyone. They are for YOU. 


If you attend church every Sunday but are lukewarm for Christ, they are for you. He meets you there. If you knew the LORD and turned away, these promises are still for you. He meets you there. If you are serving Him wholeheartedly and are on fire for Christ, they are true in your life. He meets you there. If you have never known the LORD, if you have run from Him time and time again, these promises are for you. HE MEETS YOU THERE. 


He meets you there and He loves you still. He wants to lead you to a place where you can be still. Our weary hearts need rest.